Yelena Vardzaryan was born on 22nd August 1988 in Yerevan, Armenia.
In 1995 she entered the Yerevan Specialized Music School named after Alexander Spendiaryan (G. Yeghiazarian’s class) and graduated in 2005. During the study, she participated in every report concert of the school and had a recital every year. She also participated in several republican and international competitions.
In 2000 she participated in the 5th Arno Babajanyan Competition of Young Pianists and was awarded a diploma. In 2001 at the 1st television Elite Generation competition she was granted the Second Prize. At the International Armenia’s heritage. Young Talents competition was granted the Second Prize. In 2002 at the 8th Ettlingen International Piano Competition for Young Pianists (Germany) was awarded a diploma. In 2003, in the 6th Arno Babajanyan Competition was awarded the 3rd Prize. At the E. Khachaturian Republican Competition for young musician-performers was awarded the First Prize. At the 1st Robert Andreasian’s National Competition was awarded a diploma. In 2004, at the competition for pianists devoted to the 100th birthday of Vladimir Horowitz was awarded the Second Prize. In 2005 at the Alexander Spendiaryan Republican Competition was awarded a diploma.
Yelena was a member of several charity funds. From 2001 was a member of the New Names, from 2002 a member of Vladimir Spivakov’s foundation, and in 2003 a member of the Konstantin Orbelian Foundation. She participated in many concerts of these organizations.
In 2005 she graduated from school and entered the Yerevan Komitas State Conservatory (Professor Anahit Bogdanyan’s class). During her studies, she continued to participate in concerts, had several recitals, and performed with many chamber ensembles.
In 2007 she participated in the Yelena Ter-Ghevondyan Competition for concertmasters and was awarded a diploma. In 2009 she participated in the Georgy Sarajev Republican Competition and was awarded the Second and Special Prizes. In 2010 was awarded a diploma at the 5th Stéphan Elmas Competition.
Also, Yelena has attended the Second and Third Yuri Bashmet International Music Festival (2010-2011, Minsk, Belarus).
In 2023 she participated in the first Hibla Gerzmava Opera Singers and Accompanists Competition and was awarded the Third Prize and the Guild of Accompanists special prize.